A Message from Squirrel
Squirrel visiting my window sill
I sat down to get some content created and heard a noise, and looked up to find a squirrel on the window sill! My windows aren't the easiest to get to, which means s/he scaled the wall to get there. After delighting me long enough for me to take pictures, they scampered off again to do their squirrelly business.
Whenever I have an encounter like this, I have learned to pause. Unusual encounters with animals often have a message for me, and today was no different.
Squirrel says
Be playful
Explore new places
Prepare for the future
Oof. Simplicity at it's finest, and yet so profound.
When was the last time I played just for the sake of playing? Did something just for the fun of it? What even is play?
What new places have I explored lately? Both out in the world adventuring, or new places within my business? What have I explored at all? In art? In my hobbies? In books?
Stashing nuts away won't exactly help me... but consistent action towards my goals sets up future me to thank past me. How many things am I doing today that future me will thank me for? It doesn't even matter if all of them come to fruition exactly like I expect them to (let's face it, squirrels don't remember where they hide every nut, either), but the fact that present me is taking actions that future me will appreciate is what counts. Am I thinking forward enough to take those steps today?
What lessons from Squirrel are helpful to you? Are there things showing up in your world with messages for you?