Drop the Judgement
Photo courtesy Kim Walnes: Photo taken in 2000 by Linda Bayne when Gideon was 7 years old
Gideon Goodheart, Kim Walnes’ stallion, recently shared some powerful wisdom around the perspective of judgement:
"Today, please consider judgement. In all of its aspects, it is non-supportive. It is also non-loving. This includes not only thoughts you might be thinking about another, but also those internal messages you send yourself.
For trust me, each and every one of those thoughts are messages. And though you may not even be consciously aware you are thinking them, they are being received. Judgement sends the implication of "less than", failure, exclusion. Physically they are felt as weakness and an energetic pressure. Emotionally they wreak havoc of all kinds.
Human society places great emphasis on judging. Nature does not even have the concept. Notice today where your Flow might be being blocked by judgement, whether external or internal. Where are you separating yourself from Divine Truth? Where are you contracting rather than expanding. Where are you choosing judgement over Love...." (emphasis mine)
I read this and it struck me so deeply.
Nature does not even have the concept.
Nature just IS.
There is no good or bad of anything to judge.
Everything just is.
The wind is.
The sun is.
The grass growing, or not growing is.
Trees losing leaves just are as they are.
Birds eating bugs are as they are.
Foxes eating birds are.
Things grow. Beings are hunted. Things are eaten. Things decompose.
There is no judgement about any of it.
A momma defending her babies will have no mercy on the threat, and there’s no judgement in that.
There’s no judgement in the animal (or bug, or plant…) that becomes dinner for something else, either.
Things are “harmed” and things grow. It is all just part of the natural world.
If we could suspend our judgement of our pets and ourselves, we would likely be able to make changes and shifts a lot faster.
Our dog’s or cat’s behavior just is. The barking just is. Peeing in the “wrong” place just is. “Destroying” things just is. Clawing the furniture just is. It’s simply a reflection and reaction to the environment.
It’s our pet doing what pets do, and responding to their environment.
Judging the behavior creates a story that we can get stuck in, which creates a “tape-loop” that becomes extremely difficult to get out of.
If we simply view the behavior as a response, and explore ideas to see what happens, it frees up the energy to change.
But when we judge the action as wrong, barking for example, then our emotions get involved and we start to feel upset at the barking, and now the story if off and running, taking on a life of it’s own.
So just for today, I would encourage you to explore suspending judgement about your pet’s behavior and see what happens. Allow it to be neutral, and see where it takes you, together. You might be amazed at the world of possibility that opens up to you.