So this is love
Love is a fickle thing. We think we know it, and while we aren’t wrong, I would like to suggest that we know an aspect of love.
A very dear friend is going through the decline of her beloved dog. While connecting in with her elderly dog and along with her former dogs, they showed me something so profound.
Each one of them brought forward a different aspect of love.
The first was such a bright glowing light. The kind so bright that you almost can’t bear to look at it. The kind that is all enveloping until it seems that the light is the only thing that is left to exist.
The second showed me zoomies. Zoomies everywhere, bounding and bouncing and running, scattering the light and energy in swirls and sparkles.
The third dog showed me a deep reservoir of love, like a large old river. On the surface it looks calm as if there is nothing much happening, but down in the waters the current is running sure and strong.
These three aspects of love couldn’t be more different, and yet they are all still the one thing - love.
That’s the detail we seem to forget. We put conditions around love - love looks like being treated in a certain way. Love looks like showing up in a certain way. Love looks like our pets behaving a certain way.
But we forget that the entire fabric of the universe is love.
It’s always there, underneath whatever is happening at the moment.
Under the bad traffic, our dog chewing our shoes (again), the cat shredding the curtains, getting in a fight with our spouse/kids/boss. It’s always there.
Find a way to get back to that. Find a way to focus on that through all the other noise of our perfectly imperfect world.
Start small, when things are quiet. Tap into it in your morning meditation. When your pup puts his head on your knee. Reach for it in between work tasks. Go back to it before you take the car out of park. How many times a day can you find to look for love?
Build on all of those small moments one after another until it becomes such a normal part of your day that you can’t remember a time when you felt anything else other than that big deep current of love that is running through everything.
I can guarantee there will be nothing lost from exploring this, and there is oh so much to gain.