When should you

When should you work with an animal communicator?

An animal communicator can be a powerful aly in your resource list for supporting your pet, and you, together. So when is a good time to work with them?

Ideally, when you and your pet begin your relationship. So the next best day is today!

The benefit to establishing a relationship with an animal communicator when nothing is going “wrong” with your pet is that it helps to establish a baseline. The animal communicator gets to know your pet, and you, and learns about what your every day “normal” life is like.

This means that when something does happen that upsets the balance - whether that’s a big life event, a health issue, or a behavior challenge that pops up - then they already know what ‘normal’ is like and can help support both of you to getting back there.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to establish a relationship like that yet, that’s fine, an animal communicator can still support you and your pet where ever you are in life, whether that’s

  • Behavior challenges or changes - aggression, barking, clawing, anxiety, etc.

  • Big life events that will affect your whole household - moves, job changes, partner changes, babies, additional pets or losing a pet

  • Aging process and dealing with senior moments, health and end of life care changes

  • Health events and the emotional impact of health challenges (caveat - an animal communicator can’t diagnose health issues. They can, however, help to make sure everyone understands what is happening, and keep tabs on your pet’s perspective through treatments and care of a vet. This support can help increase the chance of positive outcomes, and reduce the stress of treatments and care for your pet, which can reduce your stress level, too)

There’s no wrong time to work with an animal communicator, and the best time is before there’s a big need. But when that isn’t possible or hasn’t happened, the next best time is now!

Interested in learning about your pet’s perspective on life? Click here to book a session.


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