Crossing with Grace & Bereavement
Watching our pets age before our eyes is such a bittersweet experience. As they age they begin to experience changes and challenges.
After they have crossed over there is a hole in our hearts that will never be filled.
Sessions working with a pet that is close to crossing over, or has crossed the rainbow bridge can bring a lot of peace of mind.
Because I truly believe in this work, and want to make it as accessible as possible, I offer a limited number of appointments each month at a reduced rate.
Animals that are aging or ill have a very different set of needs to be addressed in their journey. This process is not an easy one, but can be filled with grace and ease when we allow our animals to have a voice through the process. Knowing how your beloved pet feels about their situation can bring a deeper level of peace to both of you as you move into uncharted territory together.
After our animals have crossed over, it is not uncommon to wish you could find out just one more thing... Sometimes our animals leave us well before we are ready. Even from the other side, they are still willing to reconnect and share their love with us. It provides comfort to receive confirmation from them, and a wonderful way to find peace after a beloved pet's crossing.