3 FREE Gifts you can easily give your pet for the holidays

Don’t waste your pennies on treats for your pet this year. 

I know, I know, they get crazy when you reach for THAT cabinet or drawer. I get it, they do love them. 

But after connecting with hundreds of pets over the years I have learned something. They don’t really want things. They want YOU. Your connection, your time, your love, your attention and focus are the things they want MOST. Treats are nice, but not really necessary at all. So save your money for things that mean a lot more, and give them these things instead:

  1. More joy! I have talked with hundreds of pets over the years, and ultimately the messages for their people can be boiled down to this: Do more things that bring joy. Of course they want to be included, but anything that brings you joy, brings them joy, even if they’re not involved. You being more joyful makes their lives easier, anyway. Who wants to live with a curmudgeon? They don’t either, so do more joy!

  2. More time. How often does caring for our pet just become routine and mundane? You get up, put the dog out, let the dog in, feed the dog, and go to work? Afternoons are let the dog out, let the dog back in, and maybe a walk. Cats get the daily feedings and litter box cleaning, and then barely glanced at as we go about our daily grind. Sounds like a codependent roommate relationship at that point.
    Break it up! Add a little play or cuddles here and there. Even as little as 5 minutes can help your pet feel more connected to you, which improves their well being and yours simultaneously (there’s lots of research on the benefits of owning a pet, so take advantage of it!)

  3. More focus. Are you really paying attention to your pet? Most of the time we roll through life preoccupied with what’s next, or ruminating on the stress of yesterday. Be present, and just spend time connecting with them - notice the texture of their fur (or feathers or scales!), the color of their eyes, the way they lounge around, how they bounce when they are excited. We all know their lives are far too short for the love that we exchange, so take a few minutes to really be present with them. They LOVE it when we do this.

I hope you make sure to prioritize giving these things to your pet this year ahead of all other gifts. They’ll be SO grateful! If you want to connect more with your pet, and with other like minded pet people, come join me in my facebook group! We talk all things pets, behavior, silly stuff, and have lots of fun!


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