
I know that you are utterly devoted to your pet. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this blog. So that’s not in question.

But what I do want to ask is how much time are you actually devoting to your pet?

Remember back when the pandemic first started and everything shut down… how much of a shock it was to suddenly have almost no contact with other human beings on a daily basis? Remember how hard that was?

Now pause and check in to notice how much time are you actually devoting to connecting with your pet?

Aimless walks while you putter on your phone isn’t really connecting.

Cuddles and snuggles are good… but what percentage of the day does that actually take up?

You are the whole world to your pet. There isn’t anything else that exists for them. They don’t get to watch TV, they don’t get to text friends, they don’t get to go out for dinners or a round of beers.

It’s you. And the space you inhabit together.

It may be worth examining the time you spend connecting with your pet and explore ways that you might be able to connect more. Longer walks, more play time, grooming/loving/massage time, more enriching toys and puzzles, training or games together.

It doesn’t matter what it is, and honestly the simplest things are often the ones that bring the most delight to our pets.

How can you spend a little more time being connected with your pet today?


You do know


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