Perception is not reality
This week on the Riding in the Weeds Podcast, Tash and I are talking about perception. Both of us were in awe of the photos of the Aurora that were inundating social media this week, and I’m jealous because I didn’t get to see it. But what is true is that the photos that are flooding the interwebs aren’t actually what the naked eye saw of the Northern Lights, either.
What we are able to perceive is not actually reality. Often times, what we are aware of is only a small fraction of the available information that exists, similar to the way that the camera can capture so much more color in the northern lights.
Our animals are able to perceive a much wider range of information coming to them than we can. Not only are their senses heightened so they can smell and hear better than we can, but their connection to the universal energy is so much stronger than ours. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t train ourselves to be much more sensitive to that either.
Just like upgrading a camera, or changing the settings to allow more light in will give you better photographs of the aurora, we can upgrade our own awareness with practice and patience. The first step is remembering that there is so much information that we’re missing.
When we can do that, it enables us to approach situations with a more open and curious nature - what else might I be able to find out that I’m not aware of right now?
This is where our pets can help us. Spending quiet time meditating with your pet is a great way to begin to become more sensitive to the energies around you. Practicing breathing techniques, being present, and mindfulness are all skills that will enhance your connection to the universal energy. They take patience, and practice to cultivate, and if you set the intention to receive your pet’s help with this, it will make it even easier.
Your pet would love to assist you with this. It’s their natural way of being, and they are always so appreciative when we take the time to connect on this level. Being able to have a strong connection to the universal energy helps us to receive information more easily, from knowing how our pets are feeling, to being able to make decisions for ourselves for the next best steps to our life challenges. When we can open up our perception to this energy, we will find that there is a lot more information that is available to us, and that makes everything more beautiful.