Tips for Connecting Intuitiely with your pet
If you missed the previous post on developing the intuitive connection with your pet, check it out here.
If you want to learn to connect intuitively with your pet, there are some simple steps you can take to learn to hear what your pet has to say.
The first step is to practice. You must take some action in order to develop the skill - and that starts with the willingness to sit down and get quiet. Meditation is key to begin developing the understanding of what your inner landscape looks like, without it you’ll be unable to “hear” your own intuition let alone any other being.
Learn to reset yourself frequently. Hat tip to George Kao for his “Energy Reboot” which is a very quick practice that can help you get recentered. Do it a million times a day. Ok, maybe not quite that often, but seriously, I don’t think you can over do that practice (I dare you to try! 🤣)
Learn what to find “neutral” within yourself. What does your normal baseline inner landscape feel like? This is how you begin to know what’s “yours” and what is “something else,” i.e. your pet or another being.
Learn what your inner intuition “sounds” like vs what your nomal brain chatter. They will “sound” or feel different. It will often be quieter, and clearer, and generally does not “repeat” itself the same way that brain chatter does. It could be described as soft, gentle, quiet, clear. Brain chatter can often be described as just that - chatter, noise, circular, antsy.
Tip: to figure this out if you’re unsure think of a time you know you had an intuitive thought. I was once driving and I had a very clear, quiet thought that “I should slow down” on a section of road I was very familiar with. I did, thankfully, and around a blind curve found a tractor trailer sitting IN the road loading some equipment. YIKES! THAT was my intuition talking.
Practice setting the intention to receive information from another being. Intention is one of the most powerful tools when connecting with other beings, or working on any spiritual practice (or anything, really! It’s the most underrated tool that you could use!). Clearly deciding that you wish to connect with another being, and then being open to receiving the information is key to being able to “hear” anything.
Trust what comes through. This is where step 4 becomes so important. Being able to hear the difference between your brain chatter, and the “voice” of another being can’t happen without step 4, and after that you have to trust what comes through. Sometimes it’s strange. Sometimes it might not make a whole lot of sense in the moment (bonus tip - a journal is really helpful, allow what comes through to flow onto the paper). Animals in particular have a totally different perspective on the world, and so sometimes it takes a while to piece together what something might mean (my dog once told someone he loved the “red” ball. I was mystified until I realized he LOVES to chase a red laser dot).
Practice. This can’t be over done. It takes lots of practice to be able to “hear” other beings. It helps to practice in situations where you can get validation, working with friend’s pets or with someone else you know, to help confirm what you received will help give you the feedback to know that you are getting information from another being. Your own pets can sometimes be more challenging because you already know them so well, so it can be easier to write it off that you’re “making it up” when you may or may not be over thinking (see the previous post about the balance of wuwei!).
Practice. Oh, I mentioned that already. True, but you can’t over due it. Like many spiritual things it’s the journey, not the destination. I’ll never be done refining this skill, there’s always deeper layers to explore, and more subtle information to receive, and more inner balance to achieve. Refinement is part of the art, and the joy, of connecting with other beings.
I hope these tips help you find a deeper connection with your pet, and maybe even yourself along the way. Happy intuiting and enjoy the journey!